Azerbaijan and key actors of Caucasus

Relations with the region’s states is an important part of Azerbaijan’s balanced foreign policy. At the same time, relationships with Azerbaijan, a unique state of South Caucasus for geostrategic position and potential, is a special priority. 

South Caucasus is a geographic-political region comprising Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia, among Iran, Russia and Turkey, in the south of Major Caucasus mountain range. Most of South Caucasus is located in Southeast Asia, except the northeast segment of Azerbaijan, which is in the Eastern Europe. However, the region is politically known as an Eastern Europe.

So, 3 South Caucasus countries and 3 regional neighbor states mentioned above are the key actors playing a necessary role here. Relations of our republic, which comes first among the South Caucasus states for strategic position, political, economic, military power and high potential, with other 5 actors are the most important directions in the present political strategy.

Azerbaijan, which gained independence following the changes happened in the world order, attaches huge importance to keep the balance in relations in the international arena and with states of the region. For this reason, it takes the vision of other states into account in every step taken in foreign policy, which is necessary for protection of independence and territorial integrity, assurance of security.

Laman Khalilova
“Azerbaijan Realities”

2014-10-08 / 00:00