The Caucasus policy of the Republic of Turkey

Today, one of the closest partners to Azerbaijan is the Republic of Turkey, one of 3 major region states playing an important role in the destiny of Caucasus along with Russia and Iran. Though Turkey pursues mostly West oriented policy, coordinated with NATO countries, in Europe, Near and Middle East, other significant regions of the world, in some affairs it acts in the framework of own special interests. Policy of this state particularly concerning Near and Middle East, Islamic world, South Caucasus and other region states is carried out taking the requirements of the West, NATO and norms of international law and at the same religious, ethnic and regional factors into consideration, which sometimes puts it face to face with its Western partners. However, since the mid last century, Turkey assumed the mission to protect in Caucasus not own interests only but the common interests of the whole West, other NATO member states as well.  

Dating back to deep historical origins, Azerbaijan-Turkey relationship is of special importance to both states. Common religion, language, culture, traditions have always strongly influenced the tangible and intangible culture of both states, development of mutual development. Just for these factors Turkey pays huge attention to relations with Azerbaijan and actively interferes in the stories ongoing in Caucasus relating our republic. This policy is implemented on the basis of several interests: 

-         Common strategic interests of the NATO block;

-         National interests of Turkey;

-         Religious factors;

-         Getting the support of Turkic-speaking nations living in Caucasus.

To meet these interests Turkey attaches special importance to relations with Azerbaijan and Georgia in its Caucasus policy. In its turn, the Republic of Azerbaijan highly assesses relationship with Turkey, which can support it in integration into the global community, intensification of development, protection of regional security. 

Laman Khalilova
Azerbaijan Realities

2014-09-15 / 00:00