A reliable member of international arena

Globalization makes the frontiers of countries more conditional. This situation has made the Republic of Azerbaijan, the most favorable bridge between East and West, more attractive to international community. Using its necessary role and place in the international relations system, Azerbaijan makes efforts to fruitfully ensure its national interests. Like majority of states, Azerbaijan has also been involved in the new world order policy. As a member of international organizations, Azerbaijan is being adapted to the lifestyle of the single global family. Covering all the world states, this process prepares them for the new world order. This approach is going beyond the borders of Europe.

Presenting on the necessary level its significant geopolitical situation in Eurasia and rich energy resources to the West, Azerbaijan keeps the status of a leader state in South Caucasus. Using all its opportunities, Azerbaijan takes active part in the modern international security system, carries out a serious action to control and remove new threats emerging under the impact of existing realities, also protect the national interests.

The state of Azerbaijan is properly represented in the main economic, political, cultural stories and processes ongoing in the region and world, expresses its position and defends its interests. Democratic reforms and economic changes underway in our republic, an active foreign policy direct attention of the world’s most powerful states, influential organizations and institutions to Azerbaijan, contribute to the establishment and development of mutual useful cooperation meeting the norms of international law. Thus, geopolitical interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan are the key factor to build its national state in all spheres and achieve an economic, political and cultural rise. 
Naila Mammadova
Azerbaijan Realities

2014-09-11 / 00:00