Outcome of the Regional Socioeconomic Development State Programme (2009-2013)

As you know, the President of Azerbaijan signed on April 14, 2009 the State Programme on Socioeconomic Development of Regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2009-2013. The key goal of the Programme was to achieve acceleration of development in nonoil sector, economic diversification, balanced regional and sustainable socioeconomic development, improvement of population’s life standard. Implementation of the duties related to these objectives aimed at further increasing Azerbaijan’s economic development for 5 years and the target was reached.

Characterizing the works done during the last 10 years in the conference held on February 12 last year on the results of the State Programme on Socioeconomic Development of Regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2009-2013, President Ilham Aliyev said one of the key directions in the Programme is that it is permanently updated. Needs change and according to these needs new duties are set. In this respect, formation of the Programme according to the situation, inclusion of suggestions of regional population in the Programme, works implemented to improve welfare of population deserve high appreciation.

In the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on January 9 this year on the sum of the socioeconomic development of 2013 and duties set for 2014, President Ilham Aliyev noted inflation rated 2,4% in 2013, which is a good factor today. 

As part of the Programme a modern infrastructure was created, regions’ supply with gas, water, electricity and other public utilities improved, transport ways, educational and medical institutions in regions repaired and reconstructed, 275 million manat credit granted to entrepreneurs with grace period, Cenub power plant built and launched, new metro station Dernegul opened in Baku.

The accomplishment of these programmes is scheduled not for a certain period but permanently and following the completion of one programme another ones featuring future outlooks are developed. Regional development inspires the economic development of the whole country, which, in its turn, ensures domestic stability and raises its global influence. Today, Azerbaijan has become the most developed state in South Caucasus.

Naila Mammadova, 
Activist, "Azerbaijan Realities" group.

2014-04-03 / 00:00