Home to dialogue of religions and nations

Successfully and dynamically developing Azerbaijan has a model of tolerance for multinational common life. Promoting all religious freedoms and ethnic minorities, Azerbaijan has proved itself as a space where dialogue of religions and nations dominates.

Tolerance in Azerbaijan has very ancient roots and rich traditions. Our country is indeed a unique model to common peaceful life of a lot of nations and religious confessions. According to the studies, these traditions date back to centuries ago. Jewish refugees freed from the Judean kingdom plundered as result of occupation of Jerusalem by Babylonian ruler Novohodonosor II in 586 B.C. found refuge in Azerbaijan. The historical sources say there were about 40 thousand captives in Babylon in due time. In the mid of the 1st century A.D. the first successors of Christianity came to Azerbaijan and laid the basis of an Albanian church created here later. Adoption of Islam in Azerbaijan strengthened the religious tolerance traditions. According to historians, in the 7th and 8th centuries Muslims showed respect and tolerance to Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians. Numerous ethnic and religious minorities living in our country share the general destiny and it has played a significant role in the formation of firm ties among them. Nations living in Azerbaijan have for many times got dependent on powerful states and it made them come closer though differences in their outlook on life. 
After restoring independence Azerbaijan successfully continued this historical tradition. Our country has formed and demonstrated the model of tolerance, which is a sample to many states. Tolerance is also a state policy in our country. The Constitution, which is the major confirmation of tolerance in the Republic of Azerbaijan, a legal cornerstone to the state, declares equality of citizens irrespective of religion and language.

All religious confessions in present Azerbaijan are equal and enjoy the same status in the framework of the model of state-religion relationship. Assuring the rights of Muslims, the majority in the country, state cares about other religions as well. Leadership of the country constantly meets with leaders of religious communities, takes interest in their needs and problems. Preservation of historical monuments of varied religions even in the remotest points of the country, works done towards their restoration is an integral part of the humanist actions of the state. It once again confirms Azerbaijan as an ancient center of culture, a space of tolerance, a center of religious and national dialogue. Azerbaijan is not accidently characterized today as one of the most tolerant countries in the world, as a space of tolerance.  

Naila Mammadova,
Activist, "Azerbaijan Realities" group.

2014-03-27 / 00:00