“Azerspace-1”: innovative outlook

An artificial satellite is a body allowing to collect information about space from the Earth. Works done for long years in this sphere became much more important thanks to development of science and technology, and fundamental studies were carried out in this direction. Today, Azerbaijan is one of the few states having an artificial satellite. Among the successful, rational and promising stories of 2013, this event was of special importance from the regional and international aspects. In his final speech at the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the outcomes of the socioeconomic development of the first half of 2008 President Ilham Aliyev noted the necessity for taking specific actions to launch the first artificial satellite of our country and gave instructions and assignments to take necessary measures for this goal. This long-expected success was realized over the night from 7 to 8 February 2013. For the first time in the Caucasus the artificial satellite of Azerbaijan was launched into orbit.

The operation of the satellite, launched from Kourou, French Guiana, is controlled by a state-run company, “Azərkosmos”, established in May 2010 under the Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Communications and IT. This is the first satellite operator in South Caucasus. Launch of the first satellite of our republic ensured diversification of economy and development of new industrial areas, formation of an innovation-oriented economy, enhancing regional and international prestige of Azerbaijan and turning it into a regional ICT center.

Satellite industry is the most innovative and technologically advanced area, and is considered one of the most profitable areas of the industry. According to the European Satellite Operators’ Association, one euro invested in the satellite industry, directly or indirectly, brings a profit of 47 euros. This fact confirms availability of “Azerspace-1”. The second satellite of Azerbaijan is expected to be launched in 2015. It will play a significant role for meeting the need of domestic economy for telecommunication services, developing telecommunication infrastructure and economic efficiency.

2014-02-12 / 00:00